Ukraine Crisis: support links and resources

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Please find links below to resources for Ukrainian  people arriving in Ireland and options to offer support:


Irish Government:

Ireland’s response to the situation in Ukraine; Реакція Ірландії на ситуацію в Україні; Реакция Ирландии на ситуацию в Украине

See the full details. // Дивіться повну інформацію. // Смотрите полную информацию.


How businesses can help: online platform  for pledges. Details here


Citizens Information Centre:

Information page: Coming to Ireland from Ukraine

Supports page: Supports for Ukrainians in Ireland


Irish Red Cross:

Pledges of accommodation via The Irish Red Cross: Irish Red Cross – Register of Pledges


Cultúr Migrant Centre:

Support information available here


Irish Refugee Council:

Irish Refugee Council: Information page IRC

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