What is a Linkage Group?
Linkage Groups bring together all PPN groups who have a relevant interest or remit in a particular issue, regardless of which Municipal District or Pillar they belong to.
Various Council Committees seek representation from the Environment, Social Inclusion and Community and Voluntary Sectors. The PPN is now the way that these reps are selected, through the Linkage Group structure.
A Linkage Group is formed around a particular committee, and is comprised of all interested PPN member groups. The Linkage Group then selects a rep or reps to sit on the committee itself. The role of the committee rep is to represent the views of the entire Linkage Group on the committee. The rep should also keep the Linkage Group up to date of any developments at the committee.
Linkage Groups allow the PPN to participate directly in the decision making processes of the Council.
Membership of all Linkage Groups remains open. To register your organisation on one or more of the Linkage Groups, please contact us.
How are Linkage Groups Organised?
Linkage Groups should provide a ink to the following committees:
Strategic Policy Committees
Meath County Council has 4 Strategic Policy Committees (SPCs):
• Housing, Community and Cultural Development SPC
• Planning, Economic Development and Enterprise SPC
• Environmental SPC
• Transportation SPCStrategic Policy Committees (SPCs) were established in all Local Authority areas in order to broaden involvement in local government through the participation of sectoral and community interests.
SPCs have a number of roles:
• To formulate policy proposals
• To evaluate and report on policy implementation for consideration and final decision by the full Council.SPCs do not deal with routine operation matters regarding the delivery of Council services. They are strategic in nature and therefore only deal with policy matters.
For more information about the SPCs, please see the Draft Strategic Policy Committee Scheme at https://consult.meath.ie/ga/consultation/draft-strategic-policy-committee-spc-scheme-2019-2024
Joint Policing Committee
The Joint Policing Committee (JPC) is made up of Elected members of Meath County Council (15) and the Oireachtas (5), officials from An Garda Siochana (2) and the Council (2), and Community Representatives (7).
The functions of the JPC include:
• To serve as a forum for consultations, discussions and recommendations on matters affecting the policing of the local authority’s administrative area.
• Keep under review the levels and patterns of crime, disorder and anti-social behaviour and the factors underlying and contributing to these problems.
• Advise the local authority and An Garda Siochana on how they might best perform their functions regarding the need to improve the safety and quality of life and to prevent crime, disorder and anti-social behaviour within the area.
The JPC will is also responsible for developing a 6 year strategic plan linked appropriately with the Local and Economic Community Plan.The JPC does not discuss any matters which relate to an individual, could endanger the security of individuals or may expose information received in confidence.
The PPN has also elected representatives from each pillar – Environment, Social Inclusion and Community/Voluntary – to the Local Community Development Committee (LCDC). For more information on the work of the LCDC, please go to http://www.meath.ie/Community/CommunityDevelopment/LocalCommunityDevelopmentCommittee/