What are Linkage Groups?
Linkage Groups are thematic networks made up PPN members who drive the advocacy and representative work of the PPN.
What do Linkage Groups do?
Linkage Groups develop and lead projects, policy papers, research, campaigns and training on a wide range of issues relevant to the theme of the Linkage Group, in an effort to bring about positive change.

Arrange Representation
Nominate community representatives onto decision making committees

Input on policy measures
Workshops on county development plans, local area plans, library strategy, climate action plans, etc.

Engage with Public Bodies
Irish Rail, Bus Eireann, Uisce Eireann, EPA, EirGrid, National Transport Authority, and others

Set the community agenda
Community issue papers, charters, manifestos, etc. Submitting motions and agenda items, responding to consultations, etc.

Linkage Group development in the Meath PPN will focus on the set below:
- Climate Action, Planning, Transport and Water
- Social Inclusion, Housing, Rural Development and Youth
- Community, Culture, Enterprise and Sport
Membership of all Meath PPN Linkage Groups is open to active member groups.
To register your organisation on one or more of the Linkage Groups, please contact us.