Community Platform: Launch of Principles for delivering a Public Childcare Model: 11th November 2021

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The Community Platform  holding an  online launch of

Principles for delivering a high quality, inclusive and accessible Public Childcare Model

Thursday 11th November @ 11:30

Register Here


The Community Platform believes that the progressive delivery of a high quality, inclusive and accessible public childcare model is urgently needed. Lessons from the past, and reinforced by the Covid-19 pandemic, show the important role of the state in providing key public services and in ensuring universal access. A properly designed and delivered public childcare model can play an important role in addressing poverty and disadvantage. The Six Principles for a Public Childcare Model are:

1.  Child centred

2.  State responsibility

3.  Investment

4.  Quality, inclusion and accessibility

5.  Equality

6.  Decent working conditions


Following the presentation of the Platform’s Principles the launch will have speakers outlining their support for a public model of childcare from their perspective as parents, childcare providers and childcare professionals. This includes:

  • Bróna Ní Chobhthaigh, South Inner City Community Development Association
  • Mick Kenny, Association of Childcare Professionals
  • Vicky Wall, Waterford Women’s Centre Childcare


A panel of speakers, including representatives from the community sector, trade unions and political parties will respond to these proposals and perspectives. The panel includes:

  • Orla O’Connor – National Women’s Council
  • Dr Laura Bambrick – Irish Congress of Trade Unions
  • Ivana Bacik TD – Labour
  • Richard Boyd Barrett TD – People Before Profit
  • Kathleen Funchion TD – Sinn Féin
  • Jennifer Whitmore TD – Social Democrats


Anyone requiring Irish Sign Language contact communityplatform@eapn.ie


The event is online by zoom: A link will be sent to those who register closer to date of the launch.

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