Transformative Education: A Pathway to Climate Action – Meath Partnership

Enrolment for our “Transformative Education: A Pathway to Climate Action” course is now open.
By blending innovative pedagogical approaches with the pressing urgency of climate change, this program aims to deepen participants’ understanding of climate science while fostering emotional connections to the issue. The program focuses on enhancing climate awareness, fostering emotional connection, inspiring behavioural change, and promoting youth empowerment to cultivate informed advocates capable of driving sustainable change globally.
This course, hosted by Meath Partnership is specifically designed to introduce Climate Change Education to Youth Workers. The three module course will be delivered hybridly with online and in person sessions to maximise learning impact. Applicants will be expected to attend all sessions to complete the course. Participants will receive additional training content, reading, and reflective activities throughout the delivery of the course.
- Transformative Education: A Pathway to Climate Action is a free course available to youth and community officers.
- The course consists of one in person session, and four online sessions.
- Participants must attend at least 70% of the course to receive their certificate.
- This flexible programme has been developed for people who are busy with work, family and daily life.
- Participants will require a strong internet connection for the course.
Course Schedule:
Module One: Transformative Education for Climate Action
- May 7th: 18:30-21:00
- May 16th: 18:30-21:00
Module Two: Critical Reflection for Deeper Understanding and Action
In Person (Location: TBC )
- May 18th: 10:00-17:00 (Lunch Included)
Module Three: Cultural Complexities of Climate Change
- May 22nd: 18:30-21:00
- May 27th: 18:30-21:00
An opportunity to attend further training in Porto, Portugal in July 2024 is available to those who complete the training.
Participants can register for more information using this link:
Get in Touch: Aóife Malone, Meath Partnership –
This course is part of the BEST project, a project co-funded by the European Union. If you would like to learn more about the BEST project visit: