Boyne Greenway, Navan to Oldbridge: Information event – Slane 11th January 2024 2pm-8pm

The Boyne Greenway Way, Navan to Oldbridge is a proposed 26km greenway extending from Andy Brennan Park in Navan westwards to Oldbridge estate joining the existing greenway.
The project is currently at Option Selection stage and Meath County Council have developed an Emerging Preferred Route. It is proposed to progress the Navigation Restoration as a separate project to the greenway. Public Consultation is an essential element in the development of any greenway.
An in-person public information event will be held on Thursday 11th January 2024 from 2pm to 8pm in the Conyngham Arms Hotel, Slane, Co. Meath as part of this non-statutory public consultation.
Further information and how to make a submission can be found at and