EAPN Ireland September 2023 NewsFlash
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Welcome to the September 2023 edition of the EAPN Ireland NewFlash. This month, you’ll find updates from EAPN Ireland, news from our network members, and the latest EAPN Europe and EU news. If you have any news, events or updates you would like us to include in the October NewsFlash, please email tim.hanley@eapn.ie. To learn more about our work, and for the latest updates, please visit our website, or follow us on Twitter/X, Facebook, or Instagram. In solidarity, Paul, Maureen and Tim The EAPN Ireland Team EAPN IRELAND NEWS BUDGET 2024 EAPN Ireland Blog: ‘Government must use the Budget Process to tackle inequality’ In the run up to Budget Day, the latest EAPN Ireland blog highlights structural inequality as a root cause of poverty, and the corrosive impact of inequality in society. It calls on the Government to tackle inequality in the Budget process, including through addressing adequate income, investing in public services, ensuring access to decent jobs, and progressive, redistributive taxation. EAPN Ireland Pre-Budget Submission 2024 EAPN Ireland’s Pre-Budget Submission calls for the Government to prioritise measures which enable Ireland to meet its anti-poverty commitments. To do so, Budget 2024 must address the underlying structural and systematic causes of poverty and social exclusion. VIDEO OF MEMORIAL FOR FINTAN FARRELL On 24 June 2023, family, friends and colleagues joined together in Tullamore and online to celebrate the life of Fintan Farrell and his great contribution to the fight for human rights and social justice. It was a powerful event which highlighted Fintan’s great humanity and character through personal reflections, music and dance. You can watch a short video which captures the richness of the celebration. Thanks to everyone who contributed in any way to making the celebration happen and to producing the video. MEMBERS’ NEWS LIVING WAGE The updated 2023/2024 Living Wage for the Republic of Ireland is €14.80 per hour. The Living Wage Technical Group has calculated that this is the amount needed to make a minimum acceptable standard of living possible for someone working full-time. The Living Wage is evidence-based and calculated each year to keep pace with changes in minimum living costs, with rising food, energy and rent costs among the main drivers pushing up the rate this year. For full details see: livingwage.ie. INDEPENDENT LIVING MOVEMENT IRELAND (ILMI) Sligo Disabled Person’s Organisation in collaboration with ILMI and the Sligo Public Participation Network (PPN) have launched the first video of a six-part series, entitled “Navigating Ordinary Things”, exploring the barriers and challenges facing the disabled community in Sligo. Watch “Relying on the kindness of strangers” here. NATIONAL WOMEN’S COUNCIL (NWC) On 19 September, the NWC held a Day of Action on Public Childcare, as part of a campaign for the delivery of a publicly-funded, affordable, not-for-profit model of early years education and school age childcare. You can support the call by using this template to write to your local TDs asking them to support a Public Model of Childcare. You can find the names and contact information of your TDs here via the Oireachtas website. HYGIENE PRODUCTS AND THE COST OF LIVING SURVEY Are you struggling with the cost of living? Have you struggled to afford essential items such as personal hygiene or household cleaning products? If so, please take a few minutes to complete this survey, conducted by researchers in the School of Social Work and Social Policy in Trinity College Dublin on behalf of the Hygiene Hub, or consider sharing with your networks. Entries will be drawn for one of 10 One4All vouchers worth €50. EAPN EUROPE NEWS EAPN TALKS! EAPN Talks is a new webinar series from EAPN Europe that aims to provide a platform to share and exchange expertise, knowledge and insights on key issues. About three times a year, EAPN will invite an interesting organisation and zoom in on a specific topic. The first guests are European Digital Rights (EDRi) and Bits of Freedom for a discussion on artificial intelligence and its impact on the lives of people experiencing poverty. 🔎Artificial Intelligence 💡European Digital Rights (EDRi) & Bits of Freedom 🗓 Thursday 5 October 2023 | 09:00 – 11:00 (IST) / 10:00 – 12:00 (CET) 📍Online: Register here REGULATE THE HARMFUL USE OF TECH IN THE AI ACT EAPN Europe and 115 other civil society organisations have called on EU policymakers to regulate the use of AI systems by law enforcement, migration control and national security authorities throughout Europe. The use of AI by these authorities is dangerous for people’s fundamental rights, including the right to freedom of assembly, liberty, the right to asylum, privacy and data protection, the right to social protection, and non-discrimination. These AI systems reinforce the over-policing, disproportionate surveillance, detention and imprisonment of structurally discriminated against groups. Read more here. EUROPEAN SEMESTER CAPACITY BUILDING SESSION Need help navigating the European Semester Process? Join this online capacity building session, co-organised by Social Platform, EAPN Europe, ENSIE and ERGO Network, as well as their respective members EAPN France, Skoopi (Sweden) and Integro Association (Bulgaria). This session will give interested civil society organisations active at EU and national levels, as well as other interested stakeholders, an introduction into the Semester, its importance for policy-making, its functioning and key moments, and ways to engage. 🔎European Semester Capacity Building Session 🗓 Wednesday 6 December 2023 | 13:00 – 15:30 (IST) / 14:00 – 16:30 (CET) 📍Online: Register here |
EU NEWS EU CONSULTATIONS: CHILDREN’S PARTICIPATION PLATFORM The EU Children’s Participation Platform survey is asking children about what adults should do to make sure children are and feel safe. Children can share their ideas, and these will directly influence a new Recommendation on integrated child protection systems, which the EU is planning to publish in Spring 2024. The survey will close at the end of September 2023. The EU Commission is running a survey on Child Protection – Integrating Systems. The objective of the consultation is to identify the specific needs related to child protection and how they are addressed at national level, to enable the Commission to present a robust and concrete initiative. The aim is also to understand how the EU can strengthen the child protection systems and support a more integrated approach. The survey will close on 20.10.23. EAPN Ireland, Carmichael House, 4 Brunswick Street North, Dublin, D07 RHA8, Ireland Tel: + 353 (0) 1 8745737 / +353 (0)87 6402200 EAPN (European Anti-Poverty Network) Ireland is a network of anti-poverty groups working to put the eradication of poverty at the top of the EU and Irish agenda through information, training, advocacy and networking. Web: www.eapn.ie EAPN Ireland staff e-mail addresses are: Paul Ginnell, Director: paul@eapn.ie Tim Hanley, Policy and Communications Officer: tim.hanley@eapn.ie Maureen Gondipon, Administration and Finance Officer: maureen.gondipon@eapn.ie EAPN Ireland receives core funding from the Scheme to Support National Organisations (SSNO) which is funded by the Government of Ireland through the Department of Rural and Community Development ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |