National Hub Strategy: Stakeholder Consultation – closing date 15th August 2023
A National Hub Network Inter-departmental Working Group, chaired by the Secretary General of the Department of Rural and Community Development, was established in October 2020 to oversee the strategic development of the national hub network. The working group includes representation from key Government Departments, State Agencies and relevant public bodies. Part of its initial work programme was to (inter alia):
- Develop and map a national dataset of remote working hub infrastructure, facilities and services
- Identify appropriate development models for different remote working facilities in line with a classification model developed by the WDC; and
- Raise awareness of hub facilities to support remote working across Ireland
In 2021 the National Hub Network and its online booking platform ( was launched. At that time there were approximately 60 hubs onboarded onto the online platform. As of 2023 the network includes over 300 hubs and over 10,000 registered users. With the majority of Ireland’s hub infrastructure mapped, it is clear that a significant hub sector exists across the country. The development of the online platform and creation of a hub ecosystem network has presented a unique opportunity to further leverage the sector in a more strategic manner, while also contributing to the sustainability of the network for its members.
The overall aim of the strategy is to identify opportunities to further leverage the National Hub Network and to ensure its strategic development and long-term sustainability. The strategy will include 3 key pillars – Enterprise, Employment and Community. In addition, Climate Contribution & Sustainability will be cross-cutting themes embedded within the three pillars and mainstreamed into the policy document.
It is envisaged that the National Hub Strategy will be bought to Government in Q4 of 2023.
The purpose of this consultation is to seek your views on the National Hub Strategy in order to help inform its development.
How to make a submission
Should you wish to make a submission, please complete the Submission Template (link below) and provide your views in the text boxes provided as per your area/s of interest. Completed submissions should be returned via email to
National Hub Strategy – Submission Template
The closing date for submissions is COB Tuesday 15 August 2023.