Consultation on Liability of Clubs, Societies and other Unincorporated Associations: Law Reform Commission
Submissions are invited from all interested parties on the Commission’s Consultation Paper on Liability of Clubs, Societies and other Unincorporated Associations.
The relevant media release can be found here (as Gaelige).
The full text of the Consultation Paper can be found here.
An executive summary of this Consultation Paper can be found here.
A plain English summary of this Consultation Paper can be found here.
Tá achoimhre ar an bPáipéar Comhairliúcháin as Gaeilge ar fail anseo: Cliceáil anseo
Details of the various options to submit your response can be found here
(i) You can email your submission – in whichever format is most convenient to you – to the Commission at . NOTE: Consultation Papers will each have their own dedicated email address for responses
(ii) You may post your submission to : Law Reform Commission, Styne House, Upper Hatch Street, Dublin 2, D02 DY27 Ireland.
Contributors are requested to make their submissions/comments, if possible, before close of business on 15 May 2023.