Meath Heritage Forum: Call for Representatives from Meath PPN
Call for nominees to represent Meath Public Participation Network on the Meath Heritage Forum.
Meath Heritage Forum is seeking representatives from Meath PPN to advise and assist with the review and implementation of the new County Heritage Plan.
The Heritage Forum will be made up of representatives of those people involved in the care and protection of heritage within the county. It is envisaged that the process of preparing the plan will maximise co-operation and co-ordination of effort among stakeholders in order to achieve the best results for our local heritage.
The Heritage Forum is a non-statutory advisory group established by Meath County Council to provide advice on the preparation and implementation of the County Heritage Plan. The Heritage Forum will be comprised of representatives of bodies and groups involved with heritage in the county and will oversee the implementation of the Heritage Plan.
Membership of the forum will involve a time commitment that should be taken into consideration.
If you are interested in this position, please complete the nomination form and return to us by Friday 13th January 2023.