Literacy, Numeracy and Digital Literacy Strategy Consultation

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The Department of Education and the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth are jointly developing the successor strategy to the the National Strategy Literacy and Numeracy for Learning and Life 2011 – 2020 and the Interim Review of the Strategy (2017-2020).

A wide-ranging consultation process is underway to support the development of this strategy. The public and education stakeholders and partners, including teachers and early years educators, learners and parents, are invited to participate through an online survey.


Online survey

Survey link: Take the online survey.

It is also possible to make a submission by emailing LNDLconsultation@h2.ie

The is an inclusive consultation process, and alternative formats of submission will be accepted.

Please contact us on literacyandnumeracyretu@education.gov.ie if you wish to make a submission in a format other than a document, or support someone to have their views heard.


Consultation process

This consultation is part of a wider process to seek views on what literacy, numeracy and digital literacy mean today. A series of targeted consultations will also be undertaken with key stakeholders, including early years learners, primary and post-primary students, school leaders and teachers, early years managers and educators, parents and other relevant education stakeholders and partners so as to ensure that a wide cohort of people are aware of and have the opportunity to have their views heard. These are in addition to stakeholder consultation events and a series of bilateral meetings with education stakeholders.

A discussion document that may be useful to those making a contribution to the consultation process is available below.


Literacy, Numeracy and Digital Literacy Strategy Consultation – Discussion Paper: Download


Source: https://www.gov.ie/en/consultation/14180-literacy-numeracy-and-digital-literacy-strategy-consultation/

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