LEVEL UP: Training programme for young people in Trim & South Meath
LEVEL UP is a programme for young people, who are currently out of employment or education and are in need of extra support in the Trim and South Meath Area.
The programme is open to young people aged between 16 and 24 years. The programme will be based on the needs of the individual young person and will include a variety of activities, training and of course work experience which will enhance their C.V.
The Project will help young people who find it hard to bridge the gap between leaving school and seeking employment, education or further training. In the past Level Up has supported young people with job searching, C.V. preparation, skills training, transport, accredited courses, problem solving, work experience, school completion support, mindfulness courses and music lessons to name a few.
This is a voluntary personal development programme, which is strengths-based, non-judgemental and FREE.
Get in touch if you know of any young person who may benefit from this programme or if you need any further information with Jackie Horan, Level-Up Coordinator – ph: 087 3898818, email: levelup@trimfrc.ie.