LMETB Community Education Summer 2022: Closing date 20th May for applications for FREE Direct/Online Tuition Hours for Community & Voluntary Groups in Meath and Louth
Applications are now invited from Community Groups and Voluntary Organisations for support regarding the delivery of educational programmes under LMETB’s Community Education Programme, click on Summer Application to apply online
In line with Government guidelines for usage of funding, priority will be given to courses/programmes which aim to work with individuals and groups that experience particular barriers to participation in adult learning. It facilitates those who wish to access learning locally, as a step to more active community involvement or certified learning. Courses should address the following:
- Specifically target educational and social disadvantage
- Promote social inclusion
- Foster personal development and skills enhancement for group members
- Widen participation in learning by adults from all sectors of our community
Programmes should aim to develop the individual’s self-confidence and educational skills base in order to enable and facilitate their development and participation in the life of their community. Community-based courses are often the first step towards further options and choices for the adult learner.
The latest date for receipt of completed online applications is Friday 20th May.
Click on Summer Application to apply online.