EirGrid: launch of awareness campaign for East Meath-North Dublin Grid Upgrade
EirGrid are today (4th May 2020) launching an 8 week awareness campaign, for the proposed project linking Woodland substation in East Meath to Belcamp substation in North Dublin.
The East Meath-North Dublin Grid Upgrade aims to significantly improve the electricity transmission grid in the local area using an underground cable. A copy of the press release we are releasing to local today is below for information. Up-to-date project information will appear at following link as the project progresses – The Project (eirgridgroup.com) – including a new brochure.
Over the coming weeks we will hold open days in the region, engage with the general public across the study area with our Mobile Information Unit, hold online webinars and go on-the-ground / door-to-door engaging in the vicinity of both stations.
To find out more, visit eirgrid.ie/EastMeathNorthDublin or email EastMeathNorthDublin@Eirgrid.com
Press Release: 4th May 2022
EirGrid launches awareness campaign for East Meath-North Dublin Grid Upgrade: Press Release
May 4 – EirGrid, the national electricity grid operator, has launched an eight-week awareness campaign for the East Meath-North Dublin Grid Upgrade.
The project will improve the electricity grid in the east of the country by adding a high-capacity connection between Woodland substation near Batterstown, County Meath and Belcamp substation in north Dublin.
To keep communities informed of the latest updates on the project, an awareness campaign will take place throughout May and June. The campaign will include information days where EirGrid team members will be available at locations in the project area, along with public webinars where people can hear about project developments to date.
The upgrade is a response to increased electricity demand in the greater Dublin area, whilst reducing the use of fossil fuels for electricity generation in the capital.
More broadly, the project will also strengthen the network in anticipation of the future development of renewable energy, onshore and offshore, growing housing demand and electrification of transport.
EirGrid’s Chief Infrastructure Officer, Michael Mahon said, “This project is needed to address increased electricity demand in the region and, importantly, the upgrade will also aid in achieving our renewable targets.”
“Our focus is on ensuring a safe, secure and sustainable supply of electricity now, and in the future. This project is key to helping us achieve this. We look forward to engaging with communities in east Meath and north Dublin in the coming weeks and we will be holding a consultation on potential route options later this year,” added Mahon.
Previously, a list of seven technical options were compiled, with overhead and underground options assessed under a multi-criteria evaluation process and a consultation was held on these in 2020.
In 2021, feasibility studies were carried out on the four best-performing options; 1) Woodland to Finglas 400 kV overhead line; 2) Woodland to Finglas 400 kV underground cable; 3) Woodland to Belcamp 400 kV overhead line and 4) Woodland to Belcamp 400 kV underground cable.
These studies, finalised in March this year, assessed each option against a number of criteria, including technical, deliverability, environmental, socio-economic and economic performance. The results identified a number of constraints, including spatial, operational and environmental. As a result, three of the four options involved were not progressed further.
The option identified for the project is a new 400kV underground cable circuit from Woodland substation in County Meath to Belcamp substation in north Dublin.
A consultation, to be held later this year, will seek feedback from all stakeholders on potential route options for the underground cable.
To find out more, visit eirgrid.ie/EastMeathNorthDublin or email EastMeathNorthDublin@Eirgrid.com