Covid-19: Due to the current Covid-19 pandemic, it is important that the feedback given in the survey reflects your travel patterns and issues prior to the start of the crisis.
Please be assured that all respondents will remain anonymous and the information you provide will not be used for any other purpose.
As part of the Transport Strategy, we may publish comments received through the survey (please note that comments will be anonymised). Before you can complete this survey, you will need to confirm that you consent to the terms of the survey. For details on how to withdraw your consent, please click on the privacy statements included below.
If you are completing the survey on behalf of an organisation or group, you will be asked to provide contact details. The name of your organisation or group may be published alongside your feedback, but your contact details will remain confidential.
Individuals not representing an organisation or group can make an anonymous submission and no personal data will be collected from these individuals. Please refer to the Louth County Council and Meath County Council Privacy Statements.
Please note that the data collected from this survey will be shared between Louth County Council and Meath County Council.
If you prefer, you can submit responses in hard copy to any of the civic offices in Counties Louth or Meath or alternatively by post to:Administrative Officer, Infrastructure and Active Travel Department, Louth County Council, Fair Street, Drogheda, Co. Louth, A92 P440.
A hard copy version can be found below.
Drogheda and Vicinity Transport Strategy Survey (PDF, 1.81 mb)