Joint EEAC/NESC Webinar: Wellbeing – a new yardstick for economic performance & welfare: Feb 15th 2022 9.30am
The EEAC Network, together with the National Economic and Social Council (NESC), invite you to the joint webinar “Wellbeing: a new yardstick for economic performance and welfare”. The webinar will take place on February 15th 2022 from 9:30am to 11:00am GMT / 10:30am to 12pm CET / 11:30am to 1:00pm EET. Please click here to consult the programme.
A new yardstick
GDP growth has been a yardstick for economic performance and welfare and is considered essential for achieving a number of key objectives, including eradication of extreme poverty and adequate financing of social programmes. However there is growing consensus that it is limited in its ability to capture many critical dimensions of human life.
There has therefore been a shift internationally to look beyond GDP, to focus on measures that capture people’s living conditions and quality of life, as well as the state of the environment. Governments are increasingly utilising a well-being approach for policy prioritisation, policy making and evaluation. Such a well-being approach can reframe a Government’s approach to understanding, measuring and contributing to social and environmental progress.
The webinar
The joint EEAC-NESC webinar will focus on this international shift towards a well-being approach to policy making. Specifically, the webinar will focus on A) the added value of the well-being approach, B) Buy-in to the well-being approach, and C) implementing a well-being framework and the barriers faced. The webinar will be of particular interest to policy makers and policy implementers. Please feel free to share this invitation with others inside and outside your organisation who are interested in this topic.
We are pleased to have contributions from a variety of international policy makers and scientists, including Carrie Exton, Head of Well-Being Data Insights and Policy Practice at the OECD, Minna Halme, Professor of Sustainability Management, Aalto University School of Business/ Finnish Expert Panel for Sustainable Development, and Jennifer Wallace, Director, Carnegie UK.
To Conclude
Current and long-term well-being measures can capture human experience and welfare, and the impact of human activity on the environment, more adequately than GDP. Let’s jointly look into the experiences gained globally through the webinar “Wellbeing: a new yardstick for economic performance and welfare”
We look forward to welcoming you online on February 15th 2022.
Please find a link below to register: