EirGRid: Kildare Meath Upgrade: Mobile Information Unit will be in Batterstown Village on 11th October
Eirgrid have a plan in place to visit the key towns and village throughout the study area in our Mobile Information Unit between 11-15th October.
We will have a team of EirGrid staff on the unit at each location if interested parties, local residents and community groups wish to call to the unit to meet the team and discuss the project.
The team will be in Batterstown Village on Monday 11th October between 11-2pm.
Please find a link to material below on Kildare Meath Upgrade:
EirGrid Kildare Meath Upgrade Step 4 Brochure_Final – brochure PDF
Please find links below to the consultation portal to access all the project information and make submission;’
Kildare Meath Grid Upgrade: Step 4 Consultation on Underground Cable Route Options