What Works Training Fund: open until noon on 1st October 2021

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The What Works Training Fund is designed to support nonprofit community and voluntary organisations, who provide direct services to children, young people and families, to meet training needs.

It will fund organisations who are members of Tusla Child and Family Support Networks to engage in accredited evidence-informed or evidence-based training programmes to train staff to improve their services for children, young people and their families. Specifically, it will fund the thematic areas of parenting, non-violent resistance, and trauma-informed practice, as well as inclusiveness and diversity in children, youth and family services.

Applications are now open up to noon, 1 October 2021.

All applications should relate to specified recognised training in at least one of these areas.  The training must be in respect of the organisation’s workforce or shared among the workforce of a number of nonprofit and statutory organisations. Funding will not be provided directly to training providers but must be requested by the organisation/s with training needs.

This fund seeks to support children and young people suffering disadvantage. As such, applications will only be accepted from organisations serving or having an impact in a disadvantaged area as set out in the Pobal Deprivation Indices. This fund has a maximum value of €100,000 and grant allocations will be minimum of €1,500 and maximum of €10,000 per applicant.  Applicants should note that funding is on a once off basis and on-going funding will not be available. Furthermore, any funding awarded must be spent by 31 December 2021.

Applications must be submitted by email only to whatworks@equality.gov.ie


For information & application forms, please see link below:


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