EirGrid EMF Webinar – 29th September 2021 at 7pm

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In our role as the national transmission system operator, EirGrid is responsible for a safe, secure and reliable supply of electricity – now and in the future.

As we look to the future, we are making the grid ready to carry 70% of Ireland’s electricity from renewable sources by 2030. To make this possible we have to strengthen the grid and expand and upgrade the existing transmission system. You may know of national EirGrid projects or there may be grid projects and infrastructure proposed in your own area or community and as a result you may have questions about electric and magnetic fields or EMF.

To enhance people’s understanding about EMF and answer their questions we are hosting an information webinar on the topic of EMF on Wednesday 29 September at 7 p.m.

To learn more about the event and register your attendance, please click here.


Please find additional information below:


Environmental Aspects of Electric and Magnetic Fields of Transmission Lines


When electric current flows, both electric and magnetic fields (EMF) are produced. EMF come from electricity in the home, in the workplace or carried on electricity lines or cables. The EMF from electricity lines or cables are in the extremely low frequency (ELF) end of the electromagnetic spectrum. EMF occur everywhere we use electricity.  Some underground cables are designed to carry direct current electricity which are a source of static magnetic fields, the same as the earth’s natural geomagnetic field and electric fields.


Like other aspects of manmade technologies, extremely low frequency EMF are measured, researched and closely monitored by national and international agencies tasked with safeguarding the public. These agencies set the health and safety standards to which EirGrid adheres.


At EirGrid we know from listening to people and communities that there remain questions around EMF and the operation of the electrical transmission grid. These questions relate to what EMF is, research in relation to EMF, the electricity grid and your health and best practice guidelines and regulations. 


This webinar aims to answer your questions and enhance your understanding about EMF and the national electric transmission system developed, managed and operated by EirGrid.



Dr Brian O ‘Gallachoír, MaREI Director

Principal Investigator, UCC Energy Transition, Climate Action Energy Policy & Modelling

Brian Ó Gallachóir is Director of MaREI and Professor of Energy Engineering at UCC. He leads MaREI’s research on building and using energy systems models that have underpinned Irish and EU energy and climate mitigation policies and energy company strategies. He is also MaREI’s Education and Public Engagement Champion and received the Science Foundation Ireland Best International Engagement Award 2020. Brian is elected Chair of International Energy Agency Technology Collaboration Programme on energy systems modelling (IEA-ETSAP) and an elected Fellow of the Irish Academy of Engineering. Brian has published extensively (over 110 journal papers and h-index of 42), has a B.Sc. from TCD and a PhD from UCC.


Webinar Panel and Contributors

Members of the independent panel are from Exponent. Exponent is a multi-disciplinary engineering and scientific consulting firm that brings together more than 90 different disciplines to solve engineering, science, regulatory, and business issues. Exponent scientists have addressed health, exposure, and regulatory compliance issues relating to EMF for more than 100 utility projects across North America, Europe, and Asia.

The panelists’ and contributors are:


William Bailey, Ph.D., Principal Scientist

Dr. Bailey specializes in applying state-of-the-art assessment methods to environmental and occupational health issues. Please read more about Dr. Bailey’s expertise here (https://www.exponent.com/professionals/b/baileywilliam-h).


Pamela Dopart, Ph. D, CIH, Managing Scientist

Dr. Dopart is an environmental and occupational health scientist who specializes in exposure assessment methods to inform epidemiologic studies and health risk assessments. Please read more about Dr. Dopart’s expertise here (https://www.exponent.com/professionals/d/dopart-pamela).


Benjamin Cotts, Ph.D., PE, Senior Managing Engineer

Dr. Cotts is experienced in both applied and theoretical electromagnetics and plasma physics including modelling and measurement analyses of natural and anthropogenic electromagnetic fields. Please read more about Dr. Cott’s expertise here (https://www.exponent.com/professionals/c/cotts-benjamin-rt).


If you have any questions about this webinar, please contact Michelle Walsh on  michelle.walsh@eirgrid.com or by phone on 085 870 4999.

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