Age Friendly Meath: New Strategy – have your say

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Age Friendly Meath are developing a new strategy and we would like to hear from your group.


As part of the process of developing the new strategy, we are running a survey  to hear the views of older persons living in Co. Meath.

If you are aged 55 years or old, please complete the survey questionnaire yourself and/or share with your colleagues, friends and networks. Please help us to spread the word and hear from as many older persons as possible.

You can complete the survey by clicking on the click below, if some questions are not relevant to you or you have no suggestions, please skip and move on.

The link is: https://forms.office.com/r/FwAjKyMV85


A leaflet in PDF and Word is available below to print off for any groups/clients that have no access to the survey or may need assistance to complete.

Meath Age Friendly Public Consultation Survey – 4 page leaflet  – Word

Meath Age Friendly Public Consultation Survey – 4 page leaflet – pdf


Would you be interested in having an informal chat virtually with our Age Friendly consultant perhaps at your next coffee morning or weekly virtual meetings?

Please forward your name and email to community@meathcoco.ie and we can then organise.


The closing date for completion of this survey is 11th October 2021.

Hard copies can be returned to the Community Section, or emailed to community@meathcoco.ie

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