Free Painting Classes at local Broadband Connection Points.
Over 10 weeks, Oonagh will conduct online painting classes, during which you will explore with her all the basics of how to paint with acrylics. Each week, Oonagh will approach a different topic, and teach you the basics. This will include colour mixing, still life composition, portraits, landscape, and many more techniques. Oonagh will also share her ongoing works during a virtual visit of her studio.
This free programme aims to provide people with the opportunity to take part in online artistic and cultural programmes through the free connectivity offered at their local Broadband Connection Point (BCP).
You can find the details of Broadband Connection Points near you at
Classes will start on Monday 6th September at 7pm. Followed by: Mondays 13th, 20th and 27th September, 4th and 11th October, 1st, 8th, 15th and 22nd November from 7pm to 9pm.
Adult classes (participants need to be 15yo+). No previous painting experience is needed.
Participants are asked to bring their own materials.
The following is suggested:
- Acrylic paints (Cadmium red, Cadmium yellow, Ultramarine blue, Titanium white, Burnt umber)
- A mix of brushes to include a flat 1”
- Small notebook or copybook, selection of thick paper or cardboard
- Water container, kitchen paper or old cloth, an old white plate or palette, palette knife.
In order to take part, please register your interest by emailing: indicating ‘Painting workshops with Oonagh Latchford’ in the subject line and which BCP you will be attending the workshop from.
The sessions will be led virtually through Zoom. Participants should have access to a computer, smart phone, or tablet with a camera. Internet connectivity will be provided at your local Broadband Connection Point.
These free sessions are exclusive to participants attending from a BCP.
Free Painting classes at BCPs – flyer pdf