Eirgrid: Civil Society Forum on Shaping Our Electricity Future

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Eirgrid in partnership with Irish Rural Link has hosted regional Rural Workshops on Shaping Our Electricity Future proposals. The final workshops take place this week (additional info). Thank you for participation so far.


Following these workshops, the next key event in our consultation on Shaping Our Electricity Future is a Civil Society Forum on 12 May 2021 from 10am to 12.30pm.

The forum will be chaired by Marie Donnelly, Chair of Ireland’s Climate Change Advisory Council, and aims to bring together stakeholders across Civil Society, including NGOs, Academia, Agriculture, Environment and more.

A representative from Meath PPN is requested to participate in this forum to learn, discuss, explore and challenge our work to date and provide input into shaping the final outcome.

Please email meathppn@meathcoco.ie to register interest. 


Shaping Our Electricity Future is a direct response to Ireland’s Climate Action Plan ambitions of reaching at least 70% of Ireland’s electricity coming from renewable sources by 2030. EirGrid recognises that we cannot do this alone and that it is only through partnership across all pillars of society that we can achieve this, together. As actors in local County Development Plans, Climate Change Action Plans, LEADER Local Action Groups, and more, PPNs are well place to provide meaningful insights into this process and to be heard by policy makers.


We are eager to engage, listen and respond to you and all our stakeholders in developing a final plan to achieve these ambitions.


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