We can do this- keep going with Covid19 protections
While the vaccination programme means that there are better days to come, it is more important than ever to keep taking action and prevent the spread of the virus.
The enormous efforts made by the people of Ireland show that we have the power to stop the spread of COVID-19 and that we have protected each other from serious illness.
We are also seeing the combined impact of our sacrifices and the COVID-19 vaccination programme. Case numbers are falling and there are fewer people in hospital – but we’re not quite there yet.
We all need to keep doing the things which we know protect us and the people we love from COVID-19:
- Keep our distance and stay 2 metres away from each other
- Wear masks when it is not possible to keep socially distant
- Wash our hands
- Call the GP as soon as you notice any possible COVID-19 symptoms
There are better days to come. As the country reopens and as more of us are vaccinated, there is a lot to be hopeful about. Keep your guard up and safeguard the progress we’ve made.
Many thanks for your continued support
As always, for the most up to date information and advice on Coronavirus, please go to: https://www2.hse.ie/