Ageing Voices

Singing groups are critical to communities. Sing Ireland, the national singing development agency and Creative Aging International, are developing Ageing Voices to encourage singing for health and well-being amongst adults, whether they live in the community or in care.
Singing is fun, therapeutic, social, and stimulating. Older adults who sing might be fit as a fiddle or challenged by illness. Great innovation in connecting singing with care is happening across Ireland. Inspiring and appropriate pandemic responses are being led by singing groups.
Lunchtime discussions from 1-2pm, Monday 9th to Thursday 11th November are a must for anyone interested in ageing, health, social care, wellbeing and its connection with group singing:
“The Ageing Voice” as an instrument. Monday 9th
“Special Interest Choirs” friendly to and made with people living with conditions like Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s Tuesday 10th
“Community Connections” where cultural leadership connect organisations in pursuit of community care Wednesday 11th
“Singing For Care” shares examples of singing in healthcare settings Thursday 12th
Each features accessible expertise made from practical experience. They showcase great examples of singing groups for ageing voices, care and well-being and highlight tools and training opportunities. more details here or click through to register for each session.
Supported by Creative Ireland,