Meath Child & Family Support Network Newsletter (13th Edition)

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Please find attached Edition 13 of the Meath  Child and Family Support Network Newsletter – Local Service Delivery during Covid 19. The information in the newsletter is up to date as of the 6th of July 2020.

Meath Child and Family Support Network Service delivery Edition 13 – PDF


Edition 13 of the newsletter combines the local service delivery from Edition 1 – 12, with new updates on service provision which are highlighted below:

 Page 4 – Information update re: Tusla Child and Youth Participation Strategy 2019-2023, year one achievements.

Page 33 – Information on survey by HSE Mental Health Services Communication.

Page 64/65 – Details of ‘Barnardos Phase 3: Roadmap for Children’

Page 66 – Service provision update from Jigsaw Meath.

Page 84 – Information details for: One Family and Parents Plus  who are delighted to host a special online parenting talk that is free to attend by Dr John Sharry
Page 92 – Details of:One Family Parents Summer Camp.
Page 113
– Information on National Early Years Children First Programme – Always Children First Early Years Specific Presentation.

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