Message from Covid-19 Stakeholder Communications Support and updates
Thank you for your continuing support and sharing information about COVID-19.
Below are some communications updates for you.
Phase 3 of the Roadmap for Reopening Society and Business –
Ireland is now in Phase 3 of the Roadmap for Reopening Society and Business, which began on Monday 29th June. You can view the measures that form part of Phase 3 here.
Stay Safe Guidelines –
As our country is reopened, keeping up protective behaviours is as important as ever to prevent the spread of infection. The recently developed Stay Safe Guidelines have been published here in a booklet which is available in English and Irish. There are a number of hard copies of the booklet available. If you would like to receive a hard copy, or a number of copies for your organisation, please email us and we will be happy to send out to you.
Wellbeing “In This Together” –
Our wellbeing campaign continues to give mental health and wellbeing advice across the country. New videos have been added in the last 2 weeks and include:
1. Staying Healthy and Keeping Well: Patrick Reilly, Traveller Mental Health Worker, Pavee Point.
2. Your wellbeing (Romanian language): Rares-Mihai Nicula, Roma Project Officer, Dublin City Community Co-op.
See videos here: Healthy Ireland You Tube Channel
Stay Safe. Protect each other. Wear a face covering.
Thanks again for your support in helping to share the message about the importance of face coverings. You can find information on face coverings here. You can also find videos on:
• How to safely wear a face covering here.
• How to make your own face covering here.
• You can download the poster on how to use face coverings here with a high resolution version available here.
Living with Dementia in Times of COVID – 19 –
Shaping Inclusive Communities Together – The community response, which many of you have been involved in, to reach out to people living with dementia in our society, has been incredible. As part of this, you are invited to join Dementia: Understand Together’s first Virtual Partner Event on July 8th from 10.00 – 11.00am. Speakers will include:
• Emer Begley, Senior Project Manager at the National Dementia Office and Chair of the Dementia: Understand Together Working Group
• Maire-Ann Doyle and Susan Crampton members of the Dementia Carers Campaign Network
• Kevin Quaid, Vice Chair of the Irish Dementia Working Group
You can register here until July 6th. Feel free to share this invitation with others. Everyone can make a difference in the lives of people with dementia and their families.
Invitation to Participate in Global Project Investigating Loneliness & Isolation and COVID-19 –
A number of our partner organisations are collaborating on a global study looking at ‘Coping with Loneliness, Isolation and Covid-19’ (CLIC). The study is being undertaken by a group of International academic researchers who are part of the International Loneliness and Isolation research NetworK (I-LINK).
Click here to undertake the survey. Click here to read more about the study and those involved.
Mental Health Crisis Textline –
A new Crisis Textline – Text 50808, was recently launched. The HSE text-based mental health service will provide support to anyone struggling with any issue, big or small, for free and at any time of any day. The service is staffed by 300 trained crisis volunteers and people can access support by texting 50808.
Public Health Information –
As always, for the most up to date information and advice on Coronavirus, please go to: and Please also check here for the most up to date partner resources for COVID-19. You can find the Phase 3 Public Health advice posters here in English and Irish (and various sizes/formats).
Please share and pass on to relevant teams and communities.
Covid-19 Health Communications Stakeholder Support