Measuring Planning Outcomes – Research Survey

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The Office of the Planning Regulator (OPR) in the performance of its statutory role to undertake research, would really appreciate your assistance in completing a simple online survey (which should take no longer than 15 minutes). The results of this survey will input into a research project on Measuring Planning Outcomes which is described in more detail hereunder.

This is the link to the survey:  https://dundee.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/rtpi-mpo-research

 The survey will close at 23:59hrs on  8th May 2020.


The Research Project:

The OPR and the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government (DHPLG) have partnered with the Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI) in a research project that will consider how planning outcomes can be measured in order to demonstrate the impact of planning and improve over time. Other funding partners include the Scottish, Welsh and English Governments.

The research explores how local authorities, regional assemblies and central government can go beyond simple metrics like speed of processing applications or number of housing units delivered. The research is aimed at exploring broader and deeper ways of assessing the worth of planning in terms of placemaking, social, economic and environmental values.

The research will therefore propose and test methods for measuring outcomes and demonstrate how this information can be used to assess the success of planning at local, regional and national levels.

A critical component of the research is seeking out practical ideas from planning practitioners and stakeholders in relation to how such values and outcomes described above might be described or measured.

More information is available on the project webpage here:


A consortium led by Kevin Murray Associates, and which includes Yellowbook, MacCabe Durney Barnes, University of Dundee and University of Cardiff, has been commissioned to carry out the research.

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