National Policy on Architecture – Public Consultation

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The quality of our built environment affects our everyday lives; it has a critical role in giving a distinctive sense of place to our cities, towns, villages and countryside. It is a responsibility of the Built Heritage and Architectural Policy Section to promote best practice in modern architecture and urban design.

The National Policy on Architecture Public Consultation period is now extended: you can submit your response until 13 March 2020.

The Department has published a discussion document, Places for People, as part of a public consultation process on a proposed new National Policy on Architecture.

The discussion document outlines the scope and ambitions of the proposed national policy. It is based on five key themes

  • designing for climate resilience and sustainability
  • designing quality places for public benefit
  • respecting our past, shaping our future
  • leadership
  • knowledge and innovation


You can access Places for People here.

“The Department and some of our partners held workshops during January to discuss the five themes of the document with invited participants from the public and private sectors who work in architecture, planning, heritage, education, community engagement and other built-environment related areas. More workshops, events and activities are being planned for February and March.  Some of the schools of architecture and local authorities are organising their own discussions and sending us these considered views. We are grateful for all this productive input.

If you are interested in taking part or hosting a workshop, or would like us to give a talk at an event you are planning, please get in touch at architecture@chg.gov.ie. We hope to motivate a broad range of discussions to shape the new policy.



A new National Policy on Architecture is an exciting opportunity for people to contribute their ideas to create the conditions for a high quality, low carbon and more resilient built environment for future generations.

Your views matter so please have your say! You can contact us

By email – architecture@chg.gov.ie (using subject line – National Policy on Architecture)

By Post –        National Policy on Architecture

Room 1.08

Custom House

Dublin D01 W6X0

Or fill out our online survey 

The policy will be informed by your views.

It will also be informed by other initiatives of the Department such as Heritage Ireland 2030, the Climate Action Plan 2019, Culture 2025, the Creative Ireland Programme and the National Landscape Strategy for Ireland 2015-2025.

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