Local Link Louth Meath Fingal needs your help
Local Link Louth Meath Fingal needs your help
The Department of Transport have published ‘A New Vision For Sustainable Mobility’
Along with 9 Background papers on transport, two of these Background Papers are (8) Public Transport in Rural Areas & (1) Public Transport and Accessibility.
The public are invited to send in a submission on these Background papers.
I am writing to request that you send in a submission on Rural transport and Accessibility.
The closing date for submissions is 28TH February 2020 and the time is short.
You can send your submission by email to sustainablemobilityreview@dttas.gov.ie
The consultation portal is open below: https://www.gov.ie/en/consultation/f1b503-public-consultation-on-a-review-of-sustainable-mobility-policy/
You will see by number 1 above that the number of people who live in Rural areas and use public transport is only 3 %. The more submissions sent in the more information the Department has to work on new services for Rural areas.
I am asking that you send in something simple like:
On behalf of ……………….. company / project / based in Co. Meath / Louth / Fingal
- that more transport is needed in rural areas particularly services for commuters to get to work, and these services must be accessible.
- There is need for services to hospital and health appointments particularly for older people and people who live alone. These services must be accessible.
- Every rural village should have a service to people to and from work. And they have to be affordable.
- Local Link Louth Meath Fingal has a full fleet of accessible vehicles and these buses should be used in smaller villages and towns to get to mainline transport. They should also be used to pilot new services to see if the demand is identified.
- We need more transport for older people living in rural areas to get to their community activities.
- Older people need to attend local events as this is a very positive was to support people who live on their own.
- People can remain in their homes for longer if rural transport is available to bring them to their appointments and to get out of the house. This is a saving for the Government.
- Bus Eireann provide good regular services but they are not accessible .
- Once Off Community Services funding must be appropriate to the demand identified by the Local Link .
- There re are very few night time service in the rural areas. Local link should be providing these.
- There should be a bus that can get to a connection that will bring rural people to College. Living away from home is not affordable any more we need a choice.
- Mental health improved if people get involved in social activities but local transport is needed.
- The HSE and rural transport should be working together on transport.
- More bus stops are needed.
- The National Journey Planner is great but t needs to be rolled out to more areas.
- Public transport should be Age Friendly both for young and older people.
- Skerries has a service for the community that is delivered by volunteers in an electric vehicle. This is a great service and good for the environment and for the community. We need more of these services.
- Areas in Fingal have seen huge population growth but there are not enough commuter services, school services or local service to support the growth in population.
- Local Link Louth Meath Fingal is the Vital Link for Rural Communities
Any of the above would be great
Thanks for your help and assistance