Halloween Festival and Events Seminar – Sept 14th Ballinasloe
Next month sees the first ever Halloween Events Seminar run by AOIFE (Association of Irish Festival and Events) to engage with 110 plus Halloween event organisers in the Country.
AOIFE’s Executive Director and Creative Director with some keynotes from successful pioneering Halloween events will deliver the day long programme which is targeted for community groups, volunteers and not for profits who wish to use the growing popularity of the Samhain tradition to produce a fun, creative and safe events.
Founded in 1993- the Association of Irish Festivals and Events Association is the fourth largest in Europe (with over 150 members) and through training networking and advocating best practice helps “not for profit festivals” reach and expand their local and international goals.
The Seminar will deal with:
- Trends for Audiences and Events
- Setting up a new Festival / Event
- Revenue and Sponsorship Opportunities
- Social Media Mentoring
- Programming Ideas for different Audiences
- Tales from Pioneers
- Press and Marketing
- Volunteering
Participants MUST register with the AOIFE Secretariat in advance to book a 15 minute consultation during the time the team are onsite at the Enterprise and Technology Centre, Creagh Ballinasloe.
The Seminar is Free to AOIFE members and non-members must pay a small fee of €55 which can go towards the costs of purchasing a full AOIFE membership by the year end.
Priority will be given to member Festivals of AOIFE but it’s hoped the programme will give a chance for newer Festivals and Event organisers in the non–profit sector (sporting, charitable cause organisations) to meet first hand with much sought-after consultants to the sector and learn from their peers.
The programme starts at 10.30am and concludes at 5.30pm. A light lunch will be provided.
To register your place and 15 minutes Social Media Mentoring please contact Membership Officer Hilary on (090) 964 5831, email info@aoifeonline.com or simply visit event brite http://bit.ly/2ZduWPX for more information.