Have your say on the new National Heritage Plan: extended public consultation

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The Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht  has launched a public consultation on the development of a new national heritage plan- Heritage Ireland 2030. The public consultation phase has been extended to the 31st March 2019

Heritage Ireland 2030 will be formed around three themes:

  • National leadership;
  • Supporting stronger heritage partnerships;
  • Building community and local involvement in heritage


Each of these Themes will have specific actions and objectives, shaped by public consultation. The final Plan will identify lead agencies and a review process for the accompanying Action Plan. A number of draft objectives have been identified as a starting point in this consultation document. They are designed to deliver the vision of Heritage Ireland 2030.

It is really important that we get your views. They will help shape Heritage Ireland 2030 and our vision for Ireland’s heritage for years to come. A series of questions have been posed throughout the Heritage Ireland 2030 document, to guide the process, though we welcome views on all aspects of heritage and how we can best protect and value it. A consultation document from the Department is available for download from link below:


Have your say Submissions from the public are sought by the new extended deadline of the 31st March 2019 and can be made via an online survey, e-mail or by post.   Visit www.chg.gov.ie/heritage/heritageireland2030 for details.




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