Have your say on the HI Healthy Meath Strategy
Meath County Council is committed to making the county a healthier place to live and work as part of the Governments initiative around ‘Healthy Ireland 2013 – 2022’. ‘Healthy Ireland’ is the national framework for action to improve the health & wellbeing of the people of Ireland (further information available at http://www.healthyireland.ie.
As part of this process, we are developing a five year ‘Healthy Meath’ Strategy and we would appreciate your input.
Please take a couple of minutes to fill out the survey link https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/HealthyMeath before Wednesday 20th March – give us your views and thoughts as to what you think a healthier lifestyle and healthier county would look like. Thank you!
If you would prefer not to use the online option or would like some more information on the project, you can contact Hilary at info@curleyconsulting.ie, Aine Bird at aine.bird@meathcoco.ie or Mary at mary.murphy@meathcoco.ie and we can assist you further.
Meath Local Community Development Committee &
Meath Local Sports Partnership