DRCD Customer Action Plan and Customer Charter
The Department of Rural and Community Development intends to produce a Customer Action Plan and Customer Charter in line with the public service’s Customer Charter Initiative as part of its commitment to providing a quality customer service. The Department is keenly aware of the importance of communicating its message, both externally to its clients, customers and stakeholders and internally among its staff and our agencies.
To this end, a survey has been created so that we can better gauge and consequently better serve the needs of our customers. The survey may be accessed and completed at this link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/WMGPDQC
The survey will remain open until Monday, 4 March, at which point the results will be collated and will assist in the preparation of the Department’s Plan. In addition to questions relating to customer service, a final question has been included on Brexit as we would welcome any observations on the potential impacts of Brexit for your organisation as we approach the date of the UK’s exit from the European Union.