Funding for our Waterways through Communities

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The Waters and Communities Office has recently launched a Community Water Fund providing grant-aid to angling and community groups

Attached are the following:

  1. Press release with details of the fund –LAWCO PR Fund
  2. Guidance Notes –  LAWCO Guidance Notes Community Water Development Fund 2018
  3. Application Form – LAWCO Community Water Fund Application Form 2018

This is an excellent opportunity for community groups to obtain grant-aid for projects relating to their local waterbody. Examples of eligible projects is available on pg.’s 2&3 of the attached guidance notes.

If any groups are interested in applying, please advise them to contact me and I can help guide them through the application process. Unfortunately time is of the essence – closing date for receipt of applications is 28th May.

Any assistance you can help in spreading the word would be greatly appreciated.

Many Thanks,

Aoife McGrath

Aoife McGrath | Community Water Officer

Local Authority Waters and Communities Office

Oifig an Údaráis Áitiúil um Uiscí agus Pobail

(  085 8083682  | amcgrath@lawco.ie

 Covering the Local Authority Areas of Kildare and Meath

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