Invitation to contribute to the Decade of Centenary Commemorations public consultation
Dear Secretary
The State’s approach to commemorating the significant historical events during the first half of the Decade of Centenaries, culminating in the Ireland 2016 Centenary Programme, was underpinned by a supportive structure of public consultation and guiding principles set out in the initial Statement of the Expert Advisory Group to the Government on Commemorations.
Between 2018 and 2023, the State will recall significant historical events that took place between 1918 and 1923. A consultation process is now underway to stimulate a public conversation around how the significant and sensitive historical events that took place during that period and related themes might be appropriately remembered. The Government will continue to be supported in its approach by the Expert Advisory Group on Commemorations. The commemorative programme for the second half of the Decade of Centenaries will be inclusive, respectful and authentic, with the objective of promoting a deeper understanding of differing perspectives on this sensitive period in our shared history.
Local groups are now invited to participate in this public consultation process. You can click on the link to view the submission guidelines and other information, including a timeline of significant historical events and themes, which you may wish to reference in formulating your contribution.
The Second Statement of the Expert Advisory Group on Commemorations has recently been published and it contains guiding principles to support interested parties navigate the turbulent historical period that followed the 1916 Easter Rising until the admission of the Irish Free State into the League of Nations in 1923. You can view the Second Statement by clicking here: .
Please note that the closing date for return of submissions is 31st January 2018 and all submissions must be accompanied by a completed Submission Cover Sheet (which can be found at the link ).
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact the team in the Decade of Centenary Commemorations Unit via email ( or by telephone (01 675 5918/5915).
A chara,
Maidir le: Cuireadh chun cur le comhairliúchán poiblí ar Dheich mBliana na gCuimhneachán
Bhí cur chuige an Stáit i leith chomóradh ar na himeachtaí suntasacha stairiúla le linn an chéad leath de Dheich mBliana na gCuimhneachán, ar cuireadh clabhsúr leis le hÉire 2016: Clár Comórtha Céad Bliain, bunaithe ar struchtúr tacaíochta de chomhairliúchán poiblí agus treoirphrionsabail a leagadh amach i Ráiteas tosaigh Shainghrúpa Comhairleach an Rialtais ar Chuimhneacháin.
Idir 2018 agus 2023, beidh an Stát ag tabhairt imeachtaí suntasacha stairiúla a tharla idir 1918 agus 1923 chun cuimhne. Tá próiseas comhairliúcháin ar bun anois le comhrá poiblí a spreagadh i dtaca le bealaí cuí leis na himeachtaí stairiúla suntasacha íogaire a tharla le linn na tréimhse sin agus téamaí bainteacha a thabhairt chun cuimhne. Beidh an Sainghrúpa Comhairle ar Chuimhneacháin go fóill ag tacú le cur chuige an Rialtais. Beidh an clár comórtha don deara leath de Dheich mBliana na gCuimhneachán uileghabhálach, ómósach agus fíreánta, ag a mbeidh sé mar sprioc tuiscint níos fearr ar dhearcthaí éagsúla ar an tréimhse íogair seo dár stair chomhroinnte a chur chun cinn.
Tá cuireadh á thabhairt anois do grupaí áitiúil chun páirt a ghlacadh sa phróiseas comhairliúcháin phoiblí seo. Cliceáil ar an nasc leis na treoirlínte a léamh chomh maith le heolas eile, lena n-áirítear amlíne imeachtaí agus téamaí suntasacha stairiúla, dá bhféadfá tagairt a dhéanamh agus d’aighneacht á cur le chéile agat.
Foilsíodh an Dara Ráiteas ón Sainghrúpa Comhairleach ar Chuimhneacháin le déanaí, ina bhfuil treoirphrionsabail chun tacú le páirtithe leasmhara agus a mbealach á dhéanamh acu tríd an tréimhse shuaite sin den stair a lean Éirí Amach 1916 go dtí gur ceadaíodh Saorstát Éireann isteach i gConradh na Náisiún sa bhliain 1923. Is féidir an Dara Ráiteas a fhéiceáil ach cliceáil anseo:
Tabhair faoi deara, le do thoil, gurb é an 31 Eanáir 2018 an spriocdháta le haighneachtaí a bheith faighte agus ní mór go mbeidh Leathanach Cumhdaigh (atá le fáil ag an nasc seolta isteach le gach aighneacht. Agus d’aighneacht á hullmhú agat, d’fhéadfá dul i gcomhairle le páirtithe leasmhara ar fud an chontae (ar nós cumainn staire, coistí cuimhneacháin áitiúla, etc.) lena gcuid smaointe agus tuairimí a fháil.
Má bhíonn aon cheisteanna agat, ná bíodh drogall ort teagmháil a dhéanamh leis an bhfoireann in Aonad Dheich mBliana na gCuimhneachán ar ríomhphost ( nó ar an nguthán (01 675 5918/5915).