Clár na nÓg: Youth Sector Updates – July 2024

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National Youth Council of Ireland – News

Upcoming training, deadlines, and calls

Remember to check out our News Feed for regular updates.

Minister O’Brien announces new Advisory Committee on Racism and Racial Equality
We are delighted to announce that Rachel Coffey from NYCI and UN Youth Delegate Mohammad Naeem have been selected to join the newly created independent Advisory Committee on Racism and Racial Equality.
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Announcing the NYCI Annual Report
At the NYCI Annual Assembly (AGM) last week we published our Annual Report for 2023, which we are delighted to be able to share with you. It provides a snapshot of our impactful work with our membership and the diverse range of projects undertaken for and with the youth sector last year.
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NYCI Launches Online Youth Mental Health Signposting Tool
On Thursday 27th June we were delighted to to have Minister Mary Butler launch our new Online Youth Mental Health Signposting Tool, designed to provide young people, parents and youth workers easy access to mental health resources and services locally.
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Interview Tips for Young People Involved in Youth Work
The new Skills Summary video “Interview Tips for Young People Involved in Youth Work” is designed to help young people involved in youth work and volunteering use their experiences to stand out in job interviews.
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Priory Youthreach Tallaght awarded Gold Health Quality Mark
Priory Youthreach Tallaght was awarded a Gold Standard Health Quality Mark (HQM) by the NYCI National Youth Health Programme in recognition of their work on health promotion for young people.
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Member News:

BelongTo: Hundreds of LGBTQ+ young people lead Dublin’s 50th Pride parade
Over 400 young LGBTQ+ people from across Ireland led the Dublin Pride parade today through Dublin City Centre on the event’s 50th anniversary, including NYCI.
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Foróige: John Sullivan and Cuffesgrange Foróige Club 60 Years Strong
Foróige recently celebrated John Sullivan for six incredible decades of unfaltering service as a Foróige volunteer who has been a stalwart support to the young people of Kilkenny. Over 200 guests joined them on the night to chat about John and all things Cuffesgrange.
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Is your organisation an NYCI Member?

As well as advocating on your behalf, NYCI provides advice, networking and development opportunities, and expert training in all areas of youth work, including child protection, development education, equality, arts, health, and more.
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Foróige: Youth Officer, Programme Coordinator, and more

Other Youth Sector News:

Maynooth University: Opportunity for 18 to 25 year olds
We know that many young people turn to their friends first when experiencing mental health challenges or going through a tough time. However, very little research has explored the nature of the support being provided by friends, or the impact of providing this support on the supporter. A study being conducted in partnership with Mental Health Ireland, and is funded by the Irish Research Council aims to address this gap.
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