HSE National Lottery Grant Scheme 2024

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The HSE distributes National Lottery funding of amounts between €300 and €10000 to community groups and voluntary organisations for one-off projects and services that improve the health of communities.

The groups applying must provide health or social care services to the community. For example, you might help people with a disability, older people, carers or disadvantaged groups.

Public bodies, including the HSE, cannot apply for this funding.

Closing date for applications is the 16th February 2024.

Details: https://www2.hse.ie/services/schemes-allowances/lottery-grants/national-lottery-grants/

Projects we can fund

We fund one-off projects and services that improve the health and social care needs of communities.

For example, you can apply for funding to:

  • buy equipment and small fixtures and fittings like hoists, tables, and chairs
  • run camps, classes, courses, personal development training, information or activity events

You must be able to start and finish your project in the same year you apply for the grant.

Respite care

Your group or organisation may apply for funding for short-term or once-off respite care.

For example, if your organisation supports carers you might apply for funding for respite care or a break for carers or the people they are caring for.

You must use your respite care funding by 30 June the following year.

Projects we cannot fund

We cannot fund your project if:

  • it has major ongoing spending like staff, running costs or capital funding
  • you already get funding from us or another state body for the same project
  • you have a service agreement or grant aid agreement with us that includes the same service

How much you can apply for

You can apply for between €300 and €10,000 in funding. You can apply for funding for more than 1 project.

But there is a limit on how much funding you can get from your local HSE Community Healthcare Organisation (CHO).

The maximum that a CHO can give to an organisation or group is €10,000.

How to apply

You will need to gather financial information such as:

  • project costs and quotations
  • funding from the HSE, a state agency or public body in the last 3 years
  • previous year accounts certified by your chairperson

At this stage you do not need to:

  • complete a HSE vendor form
  • agree to terms and conditions

Completing the form

Download and complete the National Lottery application form 2024 (DOCX, 76 KB, 9 pages)

Applying for more than 1 project

You must send only 1 application form to a CHO. This includes if you are applying for funding for more than 1 project or in more than 1 location within the same CHO.

If you are seeking funding for more than 1 project in a CHO, copy and complete an Appendix 1 for each project. Make sure these are in order of priority on your form.

You might be applying for funding for the same project, but in more than 1 location. If the locations are in the same CHO you can send it as 1 project. List the locations and the total cost for all areas.

Check the application process for your county

How you need to submit your application and where to send it differs by CHO. In some cases it is different depending on the office in a CHO you must send it to.

Select the county where the project or services will take place from our list of contacts for National Lottery Grants applications.

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