Community-led peatland conservation: Study visit event at Killyconny Bog, Mullagh – 28th September 2023

Join Killyconny Bog Project and the Community Wetlands Forum next Thursday, 28 September, for a study visit to Killyconny Bog SAC to hear about the importance of the work and the role of the community in supporting its conservation and continued protection.
The day will begin with tea and coffee at St.Kilian’s Heritage Centre, Mullagh, Co. Cavan, A82 HW77 at 10:30am. At the centre, we will hear from members of the Killyconny Bog project who will speak about the importance of the bog and their work in galvanising community support for its conservation, as well as the many recreational, artistic and cultural benefits it provides. We will have a skills sharing workshop with CWF members from the Friends of Ardee Bog Group and West Cavan Bog Association who will share their lessons on community engagement for peatlands and citizen science. We will then go to the bog for a walk and talk, and return to the Heritage Centre for a light lunch.
These events are fantastic informal and uplifting networking opportunities to learn about other community led peatland initiatives.
It would be great to see you there!
You can register here.