SOS Supporters Programme New Dates Released

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The next SOS Supporters Programme will start next week online over Zoom.  It is an 8-hour programme held over 3 sessions. We are currently recruiting participants for the programme. The dates are as follows –

  • Wednesday 24th May 2pm to 5pm
  • Wednesday 31st May 2pm to 5pm
  • Wednesday 7th June 2pm to 4pm


I am emailing to ask for your help to spread the word about this programme to people who could benefit from attending.


The Supporter’s Programme is for anyone who is working/volunteering in an organisation and is supporting someone who is struggling with their mental health.  The programme teaches supporters practical skills they can use to support others, it gives information on what supports are available and how they can be accessed and teaches practical ways of looking after your own mental health while supporting someone else.


Participants have said that alongside the practical skills learned the programme has increased their confidence in their existing support skills, helped them to focus more on self-care, and provided an opportunity for them to connect with others who are in a supporter role, so they feel less alone.


If you know of anyone who may benefit from attending they can find out more and apply for a place on the programme here https://tinyurl.com/SuppApply or by contacting Catherine at catherine@suicideorsurvive.ie or phoning 01 2722158

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