HUGG: Volunteer information session 27th April 2023
HUGG provides a free, non-judgemental, safe and confidential space where people bereaved by suicide can share their experiences and feelings, and receive and offer support to each other.
HUGG support groups take place every second Tuesday 7.30pm to 9.30pm, in-person or online.
The groups are facilitated by trained volunteers with lived experience of suicide bereavement.
Bereavement by suicide shares characteristics with other bereavements but it is also different. Having lived experience of suicide bereavement, a requirement for becoming a HUGG group facilitator, ensures a better understanding and appreciation of the emotions and trauma group members may be going through.
HUGG provide facilitator training, mentoring and on-going support to all our volunteers.
Are you interested in volunteering with HUGG?
• Have you been bereaved by suicide for 3 years or more, and are over the age of 21?
• Do you have good inter-personal skills, and enjoy working as part of a team?
• Do you feel you would be a good co-facilitator?
• Are you open and accepting to people of other cultures, beliefs and sexual orientation?
• Are you open to developing suicide prevention skills?
• Are you willing to undergo online training over 1 weekend with HUGG to develop facilitation skills?
HUGG’s next LIVE Volunteering Information Session will take place on Thursday April 27th at 1.15pm-1.45pm, over zoom.
The session will provide a brief background on HUGG, and details on everything involved in volunteering with HUGG, including the training and supports we offer. Attendees will have an opportunity to ask questions. The session will not be recorded.
To register:
To learn more please email or visit
HUGG Registered Charity No. 20204480 Company Registration No. 640420