Bogus Callers – Criminals impersonating Gardai to gain access to homes
Sergeant Patrick Smyth, Crime Prevention Officer for Meath is warning homeowners to be aware of bogus callers due to an increase of reported incidents across Meath in the last week and significantly with two incidents reported in Ashbourne on the 6th of December, one incident in Duleek on the 13th December and another similar incident in Dunboyne on the same date.
Sergeant Smyth is appealing for people to be vigilant in the run up to Christmas as these criminals appear to be specifically targeting our elder community whom reside in rural areas. The Criminal is calling to the homeowner pretending to be plain clothes Gardai are often dressed in smart attire and are mannerly and plausible. They produce what appears to be a Garda badge and have a bundle of fifties in their hand and are asking the homeowner to check if they had lost money. Once invited inside the home the criminal will search the house and seek cash.
Sergeant Smyth’s advice is that if you have any concerns about the identity of the person at your door you should not answer or open the door even if they are purporting to be Gardaí. Genuine Gardaí will provide their details to allow the homeowner to confirm their identity and will be patient if you choose to do so. Gardai will never approach a homeowner about cash and if you are not happy with the identification of any person please do not let them in and dial 999. Homeowners are also urged to lock both front and back doors as in some instances, one criminal will distract the homeowner at the front door whilst a second suspect will enter the house through the unlocked back door