Climate Conversation 2022: have your say
The Climate Conversation 2022 is now open. People across the country are invited to have their say on how we can all play our part in securing our sustainable future.
Reaching our ambitious climate goals will require changes to many aspects of our lives including our homes and workplaces, how we power and heat them, how we travel, how we grow our food, how much waste we create and how we manage that waste. Everyone, including Government, communities and individuals, will need to work together to make Ireland carbon-neutral for a sustainable future.
Becoming a climate resilient society will help us to cope with the impacts of a changing climate and we are committed to achieving this future through a just transition, meaning all voices will be heard in a fair and equal manner, and new opportunities will mean no one is left behind
Taking Part
An online questionnaire is now open where people can give their views on shopping, reuse and recycling, food and food waste, heating our homes and sustainable living, local environment and climate change. People can also have their say on how actions in these areas – by individuals, Government and society as a whole – can positively impact our climate goals.
Join the Climate Conversation 2022 by filling in our online questionnaire
You don’t need to be a climate expert for your opinion to be valued, we want to hear from as many people across the country as possible. You might find the Climate Jargon Buster useful as you read through the content and questions.
The closing date for submissions is 5.30pm 9 September 2022
If you have any difficulty using the online platform, please get in touch with us
The 2020 Programme for Government (PfG) committed Ireland to reducing our carbon emissions by 51% by 2030 and becoming a carbon neutral country by no later than 2050. In 2021 we passed the Climate Action and Low Carbon Development (Amendment) Act 2021 which enshrines this target in legislation. In December, we published the Climate Action Plan 2021, our roadmap for delivering on this commitment.
The National Dialogue on Climate Action (NDCA) was established to fund, support, and enable active engagement in climate action at all levels across Ireland, and to engage and empower participation in the Climate Conversations.
As part of the 2021 Climate Conversation, we engaged with nearly 4,000 people through an online survey and workshops with Public Participation Networks (PPNs) and young people. Our findings were published in our Climate Conversations Report and directly informed the Climate Action Plan 2021.
We are now developing the next Climate Action Plan and are inviting everyone across Ireland to be a part of this process.