FAQ for Community Amenity Project Scheme

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Community Amenity Project Scheme – Frequently Asked Questions

  • 1.How are groups informed when the scheme is open for applications?

    Grant schemes are advertised in local newspapers, on www.meath.ie, Meath County Council’s social media accounts and through the Public Participation Network (PPN) website: www.meathppn.ie/grants/

  • 2. Who can apply?

    The Community Amenity Project Scheme is open to communities within the County and registered with the Public Participation Network (PPN) for the development of sporting, recreational, environmental, amenity, heritage and cultural facilities.

  • 3. What can our group apply for?

    The Community Amenity Project Scheme is available for new projects or refurbishment of existing facilities/amenities. Examples of possible projects are:

    – Community Amenity areas
    – Improvement to town parks/ common areas and spaces
    – Development/renovation of Community Centres
    – Sports/Recreational facilities
    – Community arts and cultural projects
    – Heritage projects
    – Professional Fees to a max of €3000.

  • 4. What is the process?

    After the closing date the Community Section of Meath Co. Council will appraise applications and make recommendations as to the level of support which can be provided. Consideration will be given to the track record of the Community groups and the sustainability of proposed projects shall be part of the assessment process.

    The recommendations of the Community Section will be submitted to the Municipal District Members for the area where the projects are situated for recommendation and forwarded to the Full Council of Meath County Council for approval. The decision of the Elected Members is final; there is no appeal process.

  • 5. When will we be informed of the application decision?

    The Community Department will endeavour to inform applicants as quickly as possible following approval by the Full Council. It is expected that this will take place in May/ June.

  • 6. What are the timelines for the scheme?

    The closing date for the receipt of completed application forms is 6th March. The grant must be drawn down strictly within 12 months of the grant offer letter, no extensions will be given.

  • 7. Do we have to register with the Public Participation Network (PPN)?

    Yes, all groups must be registered with the PPN. Each group is given a unique PPN Registration number. This can be found on the PPN Website https://www.meathppn.ie/membership-search/ under Municipal District or Pillar.
    If you are not registered, please log on to: www.meathppn.ie/join-now/ or phone Danielle Monahan (PPN Resource Officer) on 046 9097407/087 3512281

  • 8. What permissions are required to include with our application?

    As appropriate, confirmation of the landowner/ landlords permission should be included with the application. If planning permission is required for the project please include a copy of the planning decision. If the proposed project impacts on the work of any Department of Meath County Council, the works must be agreed in advance with the relevant Department and evidence of this agreement provided.

  • 9. Out project proposal is going through the Planning process, can we apply now or does the planning decision have to be in place?

    Where planning permission is required it must be in place prior to scheme closing date i.e. 6th March 2020.

  • 10. Do we need match funding?

    Match funding is not required for this scheme, however funding is not intended to be used to match fund other grant schemes. Evidence of fundraising and other sources of income must be included in the application.

  • 11. Can we apply for more than one grant

    In the interest of fairness only one application per group / organisation will be considered.

  • 12. We don’t have a bank account setup, can the grant be paid into a nominated persons bank account?

    Groups must have a valid BIC & IBAN led current Bank or Credit Union account in the name of the group to which the approved grant aid will be paid.

  • 13. Is voluntary labour eligible?

    Voluntary labour is ineligible under this scheme.

  • 14. Have I to send in all the invoices / receipts for the expenditure incurred with the grant?

    Groups shall submit all receipts and required documentation otherwise the grant will not be paid.

  • 15. How will I know if you require a Tax No. or not? When is it required?

    If your group is in receipt of a payment or payments from Meath County Council which equate to €10,000 or more in a calendar year a valid tax reference number and tax clearance access number will be required to process the grant payment

  • 16. Where do I apply for a tax number?

    Please see www.revenue.ie for advice on applying for a tax number.

  • 17. Can I purchase the goods or carry out the work before my grant has been approved?

    No, expenditure prior to approval will not be eligible.

  • 18. When will I receive the funds?

    The Council will process the grant payment as quickly as possible after the completion of the project and the receipt of all the required claim documentation.

  • 19. Do I have to spend the money before I get it back?

    Yes, 100% of the grant will be paid on completion of the project to an acceptable standard and on receipt of the required documentation. In cases where an applicant has limited financial means, phased payments of the grant can be facilitated by agreement with the council.

  • 20. What do I do if my project does not or cannot go ahead?

    Please advise the Community Department as soon as possible if your project is not going ahead so that the next step can be discussed.

  • 21. What if I spend more or less than the amount I was approved funding for?

    Grant payments will only be made on the basis of paid receipts submitted.
    If your group spends more than was approved your group will still only receive the approved grant amount. If your project costs less than anticipated the grant payment will be for the value of the receipts submitted.

  • 22. Is a lease required?

    If a lease is in place it should be for the longest term possible but no less than 5 years.

  • 23. How recent do the quotations need to be?

    Quotations should be as recent as possible but no older than 6 months from the closing date for the receipt of applications i.e. 6th September 2019

  • 24. Our proposed project requires 3 written quotes but we have only received 2 back from suppliers, is this ok?

    Every effort should be made to attain the correct number of quotations. Where it has not been possible to get the required number of quotations please include supporting documentation (copies of quotation requests, responses from suppliers etc.). In the case of specialised equipment please include evidence of market research.

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