Generational Renewal in Farming: Public Consultation

The challenge of attracting young people into a career in farming is widely recognised, both at national and EU level. The family farm is the heart of agriculture in Ireland, but with only 7% of farmers under 35 years of age, and over 30% of farmers over 65, it is imperative that facilitating Generational Renewal remains a key priority.
Young people are central to the continuation of a vibrant and sustainable farm sector in Ireland. Supporting young farmers and facilitating generational renewal is critical to ensure a bright future for the agri-food sector. The current Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) cites generational renewal as one of its nine key objectives. Under Ireland’s CAP Strategic Plan 2023-2027, there is substantial investment in supports, and these are complemented by a suite of national measures, including substantial taxation measures.
The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Charlie McConalogue TD, has established a Commission on Generational Renewal in Farming to adopt an objective, evidence-based approach, to examining the factors, legal, economic, social and administrative, that contribute to the current age demographics in the sector, and present policy options for consideration.
The Commission was asked to engage closely with stakeholders. Therefore, we welcome your views on Generational Renewal in Farming and suggest you address the following questions specifically, along with any other comments or suggestions in this regard:
1. What do you feel are the key issues behind the aging farming sector?
2. With just 7% of farmers in Ireland under 35, what can be done to encourage more young people into agriculture?
3. A third of all farmers in Ireland are over 65. What can be done to assist those older farmers to engage with succession and generational renewal?
4. There are a range of supports currently available to support generational renewal, including measures under the current CAP Strategic Plan, a suite of taxation measures, education & training, and access to finance measures (see appendix 1 for a summary).
• What do you think of the current measures for supporting and promoting generational renewal?
• Are there any additional initiatives that could be undertaken, or could the current supports be improved?
Submissions should be sent in writing via e-mail with reference “Public Consultation” to: .
All submissions should include a short summary of not more than 300 words setting out the main points therein. Submissions from organisations or groups should include a brief background on the membership, aims and objectives of that organisation or group.
Please note that all submissions received will be available under the Freedom of Information Act and may be published on the Department’s website.
All submissions must be received by 4 pm 31 January 2025. Any submissions received after this deadline will not be taken into consideration.