Duleek: Draft Heritage Led Regeneration Plan – open for public consultation

Meath County Council in conjunction with Sheridan Woods Architects & Urban Planners has prepared a Draft Heritage Led Regeneration Plan for Duleek.
The Vision for Duleek is ‘to fulfil its future potential as a sustainable and vibrant place to live, work and recreate, celebrating its past, built and natural heritage and cultural identity for the benefit of all.’
The preparation of the Plan was funded by the Heritage Council and the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage (DHLGH) through the Historic Towns Initiative (HTI) grant scheme.
The Draft Duleek Heritage Led Regeneration Plan is available to view from Monday 28 October to Monday the 9 December 2024 (inclusive) at the following locations during normal opening hours:
- Meath County Council, Buvinda House, Dublin Road, Navan, Co. Meath, C15 Y291.
- Duleek Library, Main Street, Duleek, Co. Meath A92 CR33
- Online: The Draft Duleek Heritage Led Regeneration Plan is also available on Meath County Council’s online consultation portal https://consult.meath.ie.
Making a Submission
Submissions can be made on the Draft Plan via the following two options only;
- Registering on https://consult.meath.ie/ where you can then make a submission on the Draft Plan.
- Written observations or submissions can also be made. These should be marked ‘Draft Duleek Heritage Led Regeneration Plan’, and submitted to thePlanning Department, Meath County Council, Buvinda House, Dublin Road, Navan, Co. Meath C15 Y291. Observations or submissions must include the full name and address of the person(s) making the submission and where relevant, the body or organisation represented. Please note that observations or submissions will be made public on the website and at the offices of the Planning Department.
Please note submissions that are emailed cannot be considered and will be returned.
Observations or submissions must be received by 5 pm on Monday the 9 December 2024.
All observations or submissions received during the above time period will be taken into consideration before the completion of the plan-making process.