Meath County Council: Strategic Policy Committees – have your say on the new Draft Scheme

Following the Local Elections, Meath County Council is establishing six Strategic Policy Committees, as follows:
- Development Management, Forward Planning and Rural Development
- Climate Action and Environment
- Transportation
- Housing
- Community & Cultural Development & Gaeltacht Affairs
- Economic Development & Enterprise, Tourism & EU Affairs
The purpose of the Strategic Policy Committees is to advise and assist Meath County Council in the formulation, development, and review of policy. Membership of an SPC will comprise of 6-8 Elected Councillors and 3-4 nominees from Sectoral Interests (depending on the SPC).
Submissions are now invited in relation to the Draft Scheme which is available at the ink below or on or can be obtained from the Corporate Services Section, Meath County Council – 0469097000.
Draft Strategic Policy Committee Scheme 2024-2029.pdf
Submissions may be made;
- through this online consultation portal,
- or in writing to the Meetings’ Administrator, Corporate Services Department, Meath County Council, Buvinda House, Dublin Road, Navan, Co. Meath C15 Y291,
- or by email to
The closing date for receipt of submissions is 5.00 p.m. on Friday, 9th August 2024.