2024 SuperValu TidyTowns Competition: launch

- Competition now in its 66th consecutive year
- More than 30,000 TidyTowns volunteers are creating more vibrant and sustainable towns
- Call-to-action for more Young TidyTowns volunteers this year
Media Release: 23rd March 2024:
The Minister for Rural and Community Development, Heather Humphreys TD, in association with the Managing Director of SuperValu, Mr. Ian Allen, has today (March 23rd, 2024) launched the 2024 SuperValu TidyTowns competition.
In place since 1958, the competition, administered by the Department of Rural and Community Development and sponsored by SuperValu, has grown beyond a competition into a national sustainability movement.
Its success benefits towns, villages and communities all over Ireland in real and meaningful ways, making them more attractive and sustainable places for everyone.
Speaking at the launch of the competition in Abbeyleix, Minister Humphreys said:
“I was delighted to visit Abbeyleix, Ireland’s Tidiest Town for 2023 as we launch the 2024 SuperValu TidyTowns competition. This year we celebrate 66 years of this fantastic competition, which has become synonymous with community spirit right across Ireland. More than 30,000 volunteers across 1,000 active TidyTowns groups work tirelessly, day and night, to make their local communities better and more sustainable places to live, work and visit. Last year, we were delighted to receive over 880 entries to the competition, and we hope this year even more towns will get involved and showcase their superb efforts. TidyTowns is all about people, places and possibilities. Everywhere is unique and the competition provides a platform to share what is best about communities across Ireland. This year I want to really encourage people to get involved, especially young people. Being part of your local TidyTowns group is a great way to transform your town into a vibrant, inclusive and sustainable place for everyone. I also want to thank our partner and sponsor, SuperValu for their continuing support and passion for sustainability. Over their 32nd years of sponsorship, SuperValu has done enormous good in towns across Ireland particularly in areas of biodiversity and sustainable living.”
Also speaking at the launch today, Ian Allen, Managing Director of SuperValu, said:
“SuperValu Tidy Towns has become an integral part of community life in towns and villages across Ireland. It is a powerful, uniting force, which shows what can be achieved when communities work together towards the common goal of improving their local areas to make them better, more sustainable places to live, work and play. I have been particularly delighted to witness in recent years how the initiative has evolved to increase its focus on sustainable climate action and biodiversity projects mobilising thousands of people to make a positive and lasting impact in their communities. I am also deeply heartened by the mix of young and experienced volunteers ensuring that SuperValu Tidy Towns goes from strength to strength and continues to innovate each year. As a community retailer, we take great pride being involved in such an incredible initiative. SuperValu is deeply committed to caring for the communities we serve. SuperValu’s ‘Take Local Action, Make Global Impact’ initiative embodies this ethos by not only promoting sustainability but also fostering a sense of community ownership, echoing the spirit of SuperValu TidyTowns. Through this initiative, we showcase the small actions individuals can take in their daily communities to enact positive change, echoing the values ingrained in TidyTowns. As always, we look forward to working with our retail partners and the Department of Rural and Community Development to continue to grow SuperValu TidyTowns as a unique community movement with an even brighter future ahead.”
The Competition contains an impressive array of Special Awards such as the All Ireland Pollinator Plan Award, the Young Persons in TidyTowns Award, the Heritage Award and the Leave No Trace Award among others, which bring an added dimension to the completion and of course offer some fantastic prizes for winning towns.
Following on from last year’s inaugural Town Centre First Award, the category is continuing this year as an official Supervalu TidyTowns Special Award, to recognise exemplary efforts made by towns in driving forward town centre revitalisation in line with Town Centre First policy.
The closing date for receipt of entries for this year’s competition is Wednesday 8 May 2024. Entry to the competition will only be accepted by email to the tidytowns@drcd.gov.ie address. Entry forms for the SuperValu TidyTowns competition are available at www.tidytowns.ie and will be emailed to all registered groups.
Full details of the competition are available on www.tidytowns.ie or www.supervalu.ie
Media Queries Contact: The Department of Rural and Community Development Press Office: 01 773 6843 / 086-4618285: Press.office@drcd.gov.ie : gov.ie/drcd | Twitter | Instagram | LinkedIn |Threads | WhatsApp | YouTube
Notes for editors:
- SuperValu TidyTowns Competition launched in 1958
- 66 years of environmental and community initiatives
- Record number of entries in 2019 of 924, 887 received in 2023
- SuperValu are now in their 33rd year of sponsoring the competition
- Results of all winners will be announced in Q4 2024
The Department of Rural and Community Development was established to promote rural and community development and to support vibrant, inclusive and sustainable communities throughout Ireland.
Its focus is on strengthening community resilience and social cohesion, supporting communities so that they are empowered to face current and future challenges.
Our Rural Future
Our Rural Future is the whole-of-government policy for rural Ireland for the period 2021-2025. It offers a blueprint for a thriving and inclusive rural Irelands and adopts a more strategic, ambitious and holistic approach to investing in and maximising opportunities for rural areas.
Town Centre First
A joint initiative of the Department of Rural and Community Development (DRCD) and the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage, the Town Centre First policy contains 33 unique actions which will give our towns the tools and resources they need to become more viable and attractive places in which to live, work, visit and run a business. Town Regeneration Officers in all relevant Local Authority areas are being funded by DRCD to drive forward Town Centre First at a local level.
The policy also contains a range of actions designed to achieve key objectives such as social and economic revival in towns, the provision of housing, as well as addressing challenges like vacancy and derelict buildings. The actions also support the protection of our environment, as well as the heritage and culture of our towns.
The SuperValu TidyTowns competition is administered by the Department of Rural and Community Development and sponsored by SuperValu.
Please ensure any reference in any media form to the competition should be in its full title as;
“The Supervalu TidyTowns Competition”