IT & Digital Skills Initiative for Older People

The Age Friendly Alliance are running a free 8 week IT initiative, to allow older people learn digital skills from Transition Year students in secondary schools in Meath. This initiative is free and it is only open for people over the age of 55 to apply.
If you are over 55 and living in Meath, and want to learn more about your smart phone, laptop, tablet etc, then why not get in touch and let us know you would be interested. Please see the attached poster for details, and for sending out among your groups.
We are currently gathering a list of names and/or groups that might be interested in expressing interest for this initiative so that we have numbers to approach more schools, if required. There is no guarantee that anybody expressing interest will be able to get a place, even if your local schools are partaking, because numbers are limited to max. 10 per class. We can run multiple classes in the same school, but it will be school dependent.
Please see the attached poster for all of the details and email to register your interest. We will be back in touch should a place become available, or if a place becomes available at a later stage.