Community Safety Innovation Fund: Webinar – 3pm Thursday 23rd March 2023

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Department of Justice will hold a Public Webinar Briefing Session on Thursday, 23 March at 3pm, in advance of the funding call for the Community Safety Innovation Fund (CSIF) 2023.

Last year the Community Safety Innovation Fund was launched with an outlay of €2 million to support the development of community safety through innovative, local community based initiatives. This year the fund outlay has been increase by 50%, up to €3 million. The fund, which is financed by the Criminal Assets Bureau, ensures that the seized proceeds of crime are utilised to support community safety.

Like last year, initiatives could include activities intended to:

  • tackle crime or reduce the fear of crime; improve community safety and feelings of safety
  • support the creation of safe and resilient communities;
  • reduce reoffending;
  • divert vulnerable individuals away from engagement in criminal behaviour.


Applications will be invited from existing community safety initiatives as well as groups co funded with local authorities, NGOs and community organisations working on issues relevant to community safety and youth justice.

Applications may be submitted by individual organisations, or by a consortium involving two or more organisations where the lead partner is a community organisation, not-for-profit, social enterprise or similar with a remit relevant to community safety and/or youth justice. Applications with innovative approaches will be afforded particular consideration.

Some additional details on the Fund and Webinar can be seen here.

Please register for the Webinar Briefing Session here.

Any queries can be sent to CommunitySafetyInnovationFund@justice.ie

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