Town & Village Renewal Scheme 2022: now open for Expressions of Interest

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Following on from the announcement by Minister Humphreys of the launch of the 2022 Town and Village Renewal Scheme please find  below scheme details and the expression of interest form relating to the 2022 Town and Village Renewal Scheme.

TVRS 2022 Scheme outline – pdf

2022 TV Expression of Interest form – word


The priorities for the 2022 scheme are briefly set out below with further details in the scheme outline document:

  • Priority A1
    • Projects that bring vacant/derelict buildings and sites back into use as multi-purpose spaces
    • Projects that bring vacant properties in town centres back into use as remote working hubs


  • Priority A2
    • Regeneration projects that assist in revitalising our rural towns and villages, in line with the Town Centre First Policy
    • New build community centres (where there is a clearly identified and defined need in a town or village that cannot be met with an existing premises)
    • Projects to develop parks, plazas, public outdoor dining spaces, green spaces and recreational spaces/amenities.
    • Marketing campaigns targeted at attracting remote workers and mobile talent to their county/region


  • Priority B
    • Projects to support the upgrade and enhancement of shopfronts and street facades (including murals) in towns and villages
    • Projects that support and enhance the night time economy in line with emerging recommendations from the night-time economy taskforce
    • Enhancement of heritage assets located in towns and villages, including energy efficiency measures.


Grant Levels:

For the 2022 Scheme, the minimum grant which is available is €20,000. The maximum level of grant funding available is remaining at €500,000 in respect of one application from each Local Authority.  A maximum of €250,000 will apply in respect of 5 applications.  1 application must be in respect of Towns/Villages that have not previously received funding under the Standard Town & Village Renewal Scheme in the last 3 years.


Towns and villages with populations up to 10,000 are eligible under town and village renewal scheme with larger towns with a population of up to 15,000 people may be eligible and 6No. applications for funding can be submitted to the Department for consideration.  As in previous years, applications will be assessed on a competitive basis.


Expressions of interest must be emailed to communitygrants@meathcoco.ie by close of business Thursday 30th June 2022.

Expressions of interest will then be assessed and the strongest projects developed into applications for funding and submitted to DRCD for consideration.


Reference: https://www.meath.ie/council/council-services/community/community-grants-and-initiatives/town-and-village-renewal-scheme


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