Inside-Out Educator Training: Meath Partnership
Online training opportunity for practitioners and educators which Meath Partnership are delivering this April as part of a new project called Inside Out.
This 3-day training course will: – Give an insight into the importance of communication within the family unit. The topics will include online safety, trauma informed communication practice, stress management for parents and mental health and wellbeing supports. – Train attendees in the new Inside-Out curriculum developed specifically for parents. Attendees will receive family learning support packs with a range of materials and resources.
Day 1 (19th of April): Introduction to the Inside-Out content
Day 2 (20th of April): Embedding the Inside-Out content
Day 3 (21st of April): Going forward with implementation
* It is advised that participants attend all three sessions if possible.
Contact: Stephanie Kirwan, Senior Education and Training Manager, Meath Partnership, M: 0876693031, T: 0469280790 for more information.